
Raising funds for Seachange is a great way to support the community. Whether you want to hold a coffee morning, take part in a running or cycling event and get sponsored or hold a lunch and open your garden to friends and family then every penny raised will help make a difference to people locally. Please contact our team on reception and let them know what you are doing so that we can support you in your efforts

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We rely on donations to continue our work battling isolation and boosting wellbeing, and every penny you raise will be put to good use.

Previous fundraising initiatives have included:

  • A joke book written by a local resident and sold in aid of Seachange

  • Budleigh bags, which were made by our craft group and sold to raise money

  • A charity knife sharpening session

These are just a few ideas to get you started and there are many more ways you could raise money for us. You might do a sponsored run or walk, host a coffee morning or hold a quiz night. Perhaps your school or club would like to get involved too.

If you would like to raise money for Seachange we would be delighted to support you in any way we can. Please get in touch.

Business can help too

They are many ways your business can be more socially responsible and help your community

  • Why not become one of our corporate partners. Seachange is looking to link up with liked minded businesses who see the value in helping their community to become healthier and happier.

  • Employees can help us to through payroll giving. They can donate money directly from their pay prior to tax being deducted. That means we receive the full donation and the tax they would have paid. Find out more HMRC Payroll Giving


“These are amazing facilities. I feel I can offer my clients a better service in Seachange than anywhere else.”

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